Tiara Love

Tiara Love


  • Research Staff


  • Research Associate II



Tiara Love is a Research Associate II at the Social Science Research Center at Mississippi State University. She mostly works in data collection and the evaluation department. She is currently working on an NIJ-funded research project that is examining whether basing initial case handling decisions on the level of recidivism risk assessed at juvenile court intake will result in lower recidivism for juveniles who are diverted from further JJ processing and reserve limited JJ resources for youth with higher risks and service needs. Tiara is also a member of a team that evaluates juvenile and family intervention enhancement projects. These projects aim to expand treatment services to enhance family involvement, peer support, mentorship, and educational navigation in juvenile and family drug intervention courts to reduce substance use, promote recovery, and improve the quality of life for youth, their families, and the community. She is also a member of the Project AWARE evaluation team. Project AWARE, a SAMHSA-funded project, aims to increase mental health awareness, foster resilience, and strengthen access to trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and family driven mental health services and supports to students. Additionally, she works with the Vroom Mississippi Expansion Project which focuses on the goal to promote young children's healthy brain development by working with healthcare providers, families, and community partners. Tiara graduated from Mississippi State in December 2014 where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology. She is originally from Louisville, MS.